Sunday, December 2, 2012

Ben Affleck delivers with Argo.

     Ben Affleck finally delivers an Oscar contender with Argo, a true life story about six Americans hiding in the Canadian embassy during the Iranian hostage crisis of 1979.  It is hard to describe to someone too young to remember the era but I will try to very briefly and succinctly.  The seventies could be compared to the roaring twenties some fifty years before hand (ninety now).  Instead of flappers dancing the Charleston we had chicks in mini skirts disco dancing.  It was a decade long party that bordered on the hedonistic.  In my view the Iranian hostage crisis of 1979, along with double digit inflation, interest rates over 10 % and an economy in free fall were the factors that ended the party.  Of course nothing that our President, Jimmy Carter tried,  seemed to help.  In all fairness to Jimmy, after we suffered two oil embargo's, it became painfully clear that economics in this country depend on gas prices.  I don't want to sound like a old fart but I can remember gas prices of 35 cents a gallon.  Can you possibly imagine how strong our economy would be if gas prices were that low right now?
     OK, enough of the history lesson, now on to the movie.  Released on October 12 Argo has what they call in the industry as "legs". In an age where films stay in theaters only a month at best, Argo still seems to be going strong after nearly two months.  Kind of like a certain bunny.  And for good reason.  Argo is a tight historical thriller that occurred not so long ago. 
     In 1979, my attention, along with the rest of the nation, was focused on the 52 hostages being held in the U.S. embassy.  Little did we know, six Americans escaped capture, and eventually made their way to the Canadian embassy.  There they hid out while somehow trying to figure out what the next move would be.  Of course the wrong move would mean certain execution.  Literally.  Ben Affleck the actor portrays the CIA operative given the mission of coming up with a plan the rescue the six.  The plan that was finally used was to "pretend" a film crew, scouting out locations, would go to Iran and exit the country with the six would be hostages posing as the film crew.  Affleck, the director, uses tension tempered with sporadic interjections of humor in a way which is reminiscent of, dare I say, Alfred Hitchcock.  Bold praise to be sure but well earned in my estimation.  The acting is very natural in it's execution to the point of being almost banal.  My son commented that the people seemed kind of boring and I had to remind him that Argo is based on real people and real events.  Let's face it, most real people are kind of boring.  Since Argo is only based on real events,  interesting characters had to be invented and interjected to make the film more interesting.  After all this is Hollywood.  The funniest and most interesting non-real character is Lester Siegel, played by Alan Arkin.  He is a light touch in what is a very dark movie, and having this character provides the film much needed balance.  Partnered with the irascible John Goodman, playing real life make up artist John Chamber, the pair provide the film with many chuckles.  I predict that Arkin will earn an Oscar nomination for best supporting actor, and may even win, with sympathy votes so common in the category.  As long as I am in a predicting mood I think Argo will also be nominated for Best Picture, Director, and Screenplay.  I'm not going to predict any winners at this point.  Too many more films to come out yet. 
     Back to the review.  The unfolding of the story takes a natural pace, which almost feels like you are watching things as they happen.  Any person who was an adult during then remembers how dangerous Iran was at the time, especially if you were an American.  Of course to ratchet up the tension, extra devices are used to keep us on the edge of our seats, but are totally unnecessary.  Especially a foot chase through an airport.  I mean how many times have we seen that?  Still Argo is a very, very good film.  I recommend it and think that it would make a good date movie or maybe take a break from holiday shopping and take in a matinee.  If nothing else rent the dvd when it comes out.  It is really worthwhile.
It will remind you of all the blessings you enjoy.
I give this movie a grade of: solid A

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