Sunday, November 25, 2012

A Bond for the 21st Century


     This latest installment in the James Bond franchise marks the 23rd film since Dr. No debuted fifty years ago in 1962.  And right from the get go we were riveted by the suave British spy with a licence to kill who always got the girl.  Let's face it....any girl.  Introducing American audiences to a potent mix of international intrigue, heart pounding action sequences, and a plethora of sexy women with sexually suggestive names (who will ever forget Pussy Galore?), Bond became an instant icon to millions of Boomer generation boys throughout the sixties.  It was an age where sex had to be suggested more covertly and Bond films perfected the technique. 
     So how does Skyfall stack up and more importantly, Daniel Craig as James Bond?  Very favorably I do say.  There have been five actors to take on the James Bond mantle and with Craig being number six comparisons are inevitable.  Most go with Sean Connery as the best of the bunch in the role that he originated.  But if he is number one then Craig gets my vote as number two and may actually be the best of all.  I think he brings a lot more depth to the character.  Instead of being the wise cracking spy, dropping one liners, he is a man that is haunted.  He has been affected by the stresses of his job: in which he can go from hunter to hunted at any given moment. In Casino Royale he showed us that having a licence to kill is not all it's cracked up to be.  Especially when you actually have to use it.
     Skyfall takes Bond to another level and updates and freshens the franchise for the new millennia.  This film begins with an exhilarating action sequence filmed in Istanbul.  When I go to a Bond film and see exotic locations, mixed with dangerous situations I feel a certain comfort level that seems very familiar.  As in You Only Live Twice, Bond is presumed dead  after he is shot, falls off a train trestle about a mile over a rushing river; body MIA.  Cue music, and Adele sings the beautiful theme to Skyfall which I think tops all the themes songs for all the Bond films.  I predict it will win her an academy award next year.  I could go on and on about the film and plot, but why would I ruin the experience for you?  I will just say all the usual players are being updated.  The humor is there in just the right amounts and nods to past films give the movie an air of nostalgia.  Even the Aston Martin DB5 from Goldfinger turns up in the film.  Of course what really makes a good Bond film is the villain.  Blofeld and Jaws were memorable antagonists for Bond to battle. Now we have another top notch villain in cyberterrorist Raul Silva played by academy award winner Javiar Bardem of No Country for Old Men fame.  I mean cyberterrorism?  The bad guys used to just want an atom bomb or a laser in outer space.  Cyberterrorism can be devastating and all you need is a lap top.  I guess this really is a new century.  Skyfall is a great film.  I highly recommend it and would say this would also make a good date movie. 
I give Skyfall a solid grade of A-, not quite perfect, but close to it.

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