Friday, December 14, 2012

The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey

     The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey opens today, December 14th, at theaters all around the country.  Set sixty years prior to the beginning of the Lord of the Rings, The Hobbit chronicles the initial story of how Bilbo Baggins came in possession of the "precious" ring, central to the Lord of the Rings trilogy.  Directed by Peter Jackson, The Hobbit proves once again that he's got "it".  Spielberg, used to have "it" and so did George Lucas.  Now it's Jackson who has the ability to present films that have beautiful locations, eye popping special effects, and a story that creates a mythology all it's own.  Of course working with classic stories that are written by J.R. Tolkien helps too. 
     Jackson has a hard act to follow with his Lord of the Rings trilogy which is considered by many, including myself, to be the best fantasy series ever committed to film.  With his final film, The Return of the King, taking the Oscar for Best Picture for 2003.  Being the only sci fi/fantasy film ever to do so.  But does anyone actually expect him to surpass Lord of the Rings?  I would think that a foolhardy proposition and yet I keep seeing this film being compared to his previous work. Of course it is going to fall short!  However, judged on it's own merits, The Hobbit, is a great movie.  And as I was watching that is exactly what I kept saying to myself.  "Wow this is a great movie."  Although I can't understand why Jackson is turning The Hobbit into a trilogy.  Can't the guy tell a story in one outing?  At 2 hours 45 minutes the film is runs little long in the tooth.  This film suffers from one too many battle sequences or chase scenes that go on for much too long.  So yes,  perhaps less is more but for me the film never gets draggy.  I also feel the 3D effects filmed at 48 frames per second gives the picture a crisp, clean look.  Perhaps the best 3D film I have ever seen.  I do recommend that this film be viewed in the 3D / 48 fps process.  It adds a great deal to the composition and scope of the film which I would liken to the difference between mono and stereo audio recording.  Martin Freeman is perfect as the young Bilbo Baggins and Ian McKellan reprises his role as Gandalf the Grey.  Of course this prequal takes place sixty years before The Lord of the Rings, so a younger Gandalf is running around kicking butt all on his own.  It's really fun to see.  I don't know what more I can say regarding this film.  It would be a good date film if both people like fantasy/sci fi/ action films.  The Hobbit has a beauty all it's own.  Just don't go expecting the Lord of the Rings.  For those of us who love the mythology surrounding Middle Earth, The Hobbit will not disappoint.  It is by far one of the most enjoyable films I have seen in 2012. 
I give The Hobbit a grade of: A-

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