Thursday, December 26, 2013

Leo Is Off The Hook!

     "The Wolf of Wall Street", the latest film from iconic director Martin Scorsese, had it's highly anticipated opening Christmas Day.  It is a bio/pic based on the Jordan Belfort memoir of the same name.  Belfort's entry into the work force begins honestly, but after losing his position at a large firm, he decides to change paths.  First he opens his own brokerage firm in an empty auto body shop.  Next he recruits a sales team culled from his stoner/dirtball friends.  They specialize in selling penny stocks and manipulating the price, cashing in, and leaving their clients in the loss column. Soon all sorts of illegal activity ensues. 
 The behavior of Belfort and his cohorts is so depraved in excess of sexual perversion, rampant drug use, and avarice that they seem ridiculous and really happened.  
     Leonardo DiCaprio will be nominated for his portrayal of Jordan Belfort.   Belfort is unlike any character he has ever played. He is a fast talking, sleezy, pill popping, cocaine snorting, white collar crook who will only be stopped by jail.  DiCaprio plays him so broadly it becomes farcical.  At three hours I never felt the film drag.  It's hard to describe because the characters and everything they do is so disgusting.  Is this what entertainment is?  I found myself laughing at the stupidity of people taking drugs.  OK, a little bit?  Actually a lot.  People are falling down, slobbering, rolling down stairs, I couldn't contain myself.  This film is rated a hard R but it could have easily been rated NC 17.  The humor is extremely crude, lewd, and rude.  Everything about this film is over the top so be forewarned.  I think in the final analysis "The Wolf of Wall Street" is a very good movie.  I expect it to garner award nominations but I don't expect it to win any. Recommended for film buffs.
I give the movie a grade: A-

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