Wednesday, December 18, 2013

As Classy As Ever

          With Christmas only a week away we are now entering the vortex of the holiday movie season.  Studios hold back films all year, then release them now hoping they will garner critical acclaim, gain the legs to become blockbusters, or both. During this time of year students are on break, holiday shoppers WANT a break, and so the cinema is a perfect place for a quick respite.  Typically, films released between now and the end of the year, get the most attention from the glitterati. And too, attention from the Motion Picture Academy of Arts and Sciences, aka. the Oscars. 
     Why am I telling you this?  Obviously Anchorman 2 will NOT win any academy awards this year.  (now watch as Will Ferrell is nominated!)  I relate these bits of information hopefully to reveal something you may not have known before.  Thereby fulfilling one goal in writing these reviews and displaying my depth of knowledge within the milieu of the cinema.  I have been wanting to use the word milieu ever since college.  Better yet, I think the context is correct.  I digress, as I so often do.     
     "Anchorman 2" is so obviously the sequel to "Anchorman" that I won't even mention it.  Oops, sorry, I just did. And a rip roaring great sequel it is too.  All the cast is here to reprise the roles that were made so memorable in the first film.  Many of the actors have become stars since the first film.  Christina Applegate, Paul Rudd, Steve Carell, David Koechner, and Will Farrell, round out the news team.  One unlike any you have ever seen.  Unless of course you saw Anchorman, then they are like a bunch of old friends from college who never quite grew up.  
     I had no idea how popular Anchorman had become.  I attended a double feature of both films last night.  Before the screening of Anchorman an emcee asked the audience how many people had seen the movie more than ten times.  Probably thirty hands shot up.  In the middle of the screening the sound cut out.  The audience did not skip a beat and began quoting lines from the film.  That is what I call the definition of a "cult film".  One crucial question is if Anchorman 2 can, match, exceed, or even come close to the beloved original.  I think the jury is out and time will tell. These things can be measured by box office and profits. 
     However, for me, Anchorman 2 not only matches the original laugh for laugh and gag for gag, it's a better movie.  There is a fine line between ridiculous silliness and truly inspired satire.   Anchorman 2 examines how pop culture has become meaningless.  This film is filled with so many funny moments, that to try to mention any specific gags would not due them justice.  I guess you had to be there.  The good news is: Anchorman 2 opens today so you still can. Not to worry, this film has it all. Cursing, rudeness, silly lines, raunchy humor, and cameo appearances (15) by famous stars. Just as we've come to expect from a Judd Apatow film.  This time he delivers a little more and I'm loving it!
     Is this a good date movie?  Mmm.  Well for guys: they will like the bawdy, rauncy, silly, craziness.  Most men think the same things are funny now that they did in Junior High.  For women I think it depends.  There was no shortage of women at the screening I attended.  Most were young like twenty or thirty somethings.  My parents would hate this movie, my son would love it, as did I. 
I give this film a grade of: A-

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