Thursday, December 26, 2013

Leo Is Off The Hook!

     "The Wolf of Wall Street", the latest film from iconic director Martin Scorsese, had it's highly anticipated opening Christmas Day.  It is a bio/pic based on the Jordan Belfort memoir of the same name.  Belfort's entry into the work force begins honestly, but after losing his position at a large firm, he decides to change paths.  First he opens his own brokerage firm in an empty auto body shop.  Next he recruits a sales team culled from his stoner/dirtball friends.  They specialize in selling penny stocks and manipulating the price, cashing in, and leaving their clients in the loss column. Soon all sorts of illegal activity ensues. 
 The behavior of Belfort and his cohorts is so depraved in excess of sexual perversion, rampant drug use, and avarice that they seem ridiculous and really happened.  
     Leonardo DiCaprio will be nominated for his portrayal of Jordan Belfort.   Belfort is unlike any character he has ever played. He is a fast talking, sleezy, pill popping, cocaine snorting, white collar crook who will only be stopped by jail.  DiCaprio plays him so broadly it becomes farcical.  At three hours I never felt the film drag.  It's hard to describe because the characters and everything they do is so disgusting.  Is this what entertainment is?  I found myself laughing at the stupidity of people taking drugs.  OK, a little bit?  Actually a lot.  People are falling down, slobbering, rolling down stairs, I couldn't contain myself.  This film is rated a hard R but it could have easily been rated NC 17.  The humor is extremely crude, lewd, and rude.  Everything about this film is over the top so be forewarned.  I think in the final analysis "The Wolf of Wall Street" is a very good movie.  I expect it to garner award nominations but I don't expect it to win any. Recommended for film buffs.
I give the movie a grade: A-

Thursday, December 19, 2013

Ensemble Cast Delivers A Contender

     With "American Hustle", David O. Russell is emerging as the best American film maker of the 21st century.  "I Heart Huckabees" in 2004, "The Fighter" in 2008, and "Silver Linings Playbook" last year are all very divergent films.  Russell can tackle a sports bio-pic one time, and the next time, as with "Silver Linings Playbook", shift gears and make a rom/com/drama.  All the while piling up critical acclaim and awards for his casts.  
     "American Hustle" is no exception and may win the Oscar for best film.  I fully expect it to be nominated for Best Film, Screenplay, Actor, Actress, Supporting Actor, and Supporting Actress.  "American Hustle" has already been honored by the New York Film Critics Circle for best film of the year, best screenplay, and best supporting actress (Jennifer Lawrence).  In case you might have been wondering, Jennifer Lawrence is the real deal.  I think there is a distinct possibility she could be nominated for two roles this year.  Best Actress for "Hunger Games: Catching Fire" and Supporting Actress for "American Hustle".  Her acting from film to film displays a range and maturity that is far beyond her years.  All the major players ply their craft with elegance and charm.  Let's now delve into the plot.
     "American Hustle" is loosely based on the FBI "Abscam" sting operation of the late seventies and early eighties.  This was the first video taped sting operation.  It ended up catching, a US Senator, six US congressmen, and various other politicians taking bribes.  At first blush, "American Hustle" is a crime drama but it is also a con game movie, a love story, and a true character study! "American Hustle" has characters who are fascinating to watch and whose quirks are quite humorous.  I am telling ya, ya just can't take your eyes off of them.  Bradley Cooper plays Richie DiMaso, an FBI agent who dreams of becoming a major player in the Bureau.  When he comes into contact with the brilliant con artist, Irving Rosenfeld (Christian Bale), and his partner, Sydney Prosser (Amy Adams) he sees a real opportunity.  Once he arrests the pair for running a real estate con he then offers them immunity if they help set up a sting to ensnare corrupt politicians.  However, as the plot unfolds ethical questions come to the forefront.  The line between the good guys and the bad guys blur.  I began to wonder if criminals were being caught or is entrapment happening here?  Enter Jennifer Lawrence who plays Irving Rosenfelds' ex-wife Rosalyn with a loudmouth  charm.  Rosalyn has problems with substances, with her phobias, with social situations, and in the process steals the show. Sounds serious, and is, but there are plenty of laughs along the way.  Soon it is hard to tell who is conning who.  There are twists and turns and an unpredictability that keeps you guessing.  This is a great film in so many ways.  "American Hustle" has a look and feel that should carry it all the way to the awards season.  
This is a good date movie.
I give this film a grade of: A

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

As Classy As Ever

          With Christmas only a week away we are now entering the vortex of the holiday movie season.  Studios hold back films all year, then release them now hoping they will garner critical acclaim, gain the legs to become blockbusters, or both. During this time of year students are on break, holiday shoppers WANT a break, and so the cinema is a perfect place for a quick respite.  Typically, films released between now and the end of the year, get the most attention from the glitterati. And too, attention from the Motion Picture Academy of Arts and Sciences, aka. the Oscars. 
     Why am I telling you this?  Obviously Anchorman 2 will NOT win any academy awards this year.  (now watch as Will Ferrell is nominated!)  I relate these bits of information hopefully to reveal something you may not have known before.  Thereby fulfilling one goal in writing these reviews and displaying my depth of knowledge within the milieu of the cinema.  I have been wanting to use the word milieu ever since college.  Better yet, I think the context is correct.  I digress, as I so often do.     
     "Anchorman 2" is so obviously the sequel to "Anchorman" that I won't even mention it.  Oops, sorry, I just did. And a rip roaring great sequel it is too.  All the cast is here to reprise the roles that were made so memorable in the first film.  Many of the actors have become stars since the first film.  Christina Applegate, Paul Rudd, Steve Carell, David Koechner, and Will Farrell, round out the news team.  One unlike any you have ever seen.  Unless of course you saw Anchorman, then they are like a bunch of old friends from college who never quite grew up.  
     I had no idea how popular Anchorman had become.  I attended a double feature of both films last night.  Before the screening of Anchorman an emcee asked the audience how many people had seen the movie more than ten times.  Probably thirty hands shot up.  In the middle of the screening the sound cut out.  The audience did not skip a beat and began quoting lines from the film.  That is what I call the definition of a "cult film".  One crucial question is if Anchorman 2 can, match, exceed, or even come close to the beloved original.  I think the jury is out and time will tell. These things can be measured by box office and profits. 
     However, for me, Anchorman 2 not only matches the original laugh for laugh and gag for gag, it's a better movie.  There is a fine line between ridiculous silliness and truly inspired satire.   Anchorman 2 examines how pop culture has become meaningless.  This film is filled with so many funny moments, that to try to mention any specific gags would not due them justice.  I guess you had to be there.  The good news is: Anchorman 2 opens today so you still can. Not to worry, this film has it all. Cursing, rudeness, silly lines, raunchy humor, and cameo appearances (15) by famous stars. Just as we've come to expect from a Judd Apatow film.  This time he delivers a little more and I'm loving it!
     Is this a good date movie?  Mmm.  Well for guys: they will like the bawdy, rauncy, silly, craziness.  Most men think the same things are funny now that they did in Junior High.  For women I think it depends.  There was no shortage of women at the screening I attended.  Most were young like twenty or thirty somethings.  My parents would hate this movie, my son would love it, as did I. 
I give this film a grade of: A-

Monday, December 9, 2013

Isn't it rich.....aren't we a pair?

     HBO Documentaries tonight, premiers "Six By Sondheim", a look at the life of America's greatest living composer and lyricist for the musical theater.  By focusing on six songs from his career we travel back to his early days and proceed right up to the present.  Rare archival footage from the original casts of many of his shows are presented.  This is fantastic stuff.  His inspirations are revealed.  The 83 year old Sondheim is secretive by nature and so I learned much about the man while really enjoying the film.    
     When Steven was a teenager he was struggling with adolescence and his mother and father were basically lukewarm parents at best.  I'm not judging his parents but if you see this film you will come to appreciate the obstacles Sondheim overcame to achieve his success.  Living in the neighborhood, perhaps next door,  was the Oscar Hammerstein family.  And so they became his surrogate family and Oscar his mentor. I had no idea!!  When Leonard Bernstein was composing the music for West Side Story it was decided to bring in Sondheim to write the lyrics.  I did not know that he wrote the lyrics.   As the timeline proceeds from his early days, interviews from corresponding times in the past are shown, to give us a real sense of history.  There are many revelations and I don't want to give away too much.  
     Some of the best parts of this film is when he talks about composing music and how difficult it is for theater.  Present day performances of his six songs are also shown as well as a gem of a performance by Sondheim himself.  "Six By Sondheim" is a great documentary about one of the most enigmatic composers of our time.  For persons who like Steven Sondheim, musicals, or are interested in music and how a real savant works their craft; you will really like "Six By Sondheim"  For the rest of you, please ......
Send in the clowns.
Depending on the person, this could be a good date movie.
I give this film a grade of B+