Friday, March 21, 2014

Feet of Fire!

     The title of the film,"Cuban Fury", did little to clue me into what the film is about.  Then I watched the preview and I immediately recognized comedic actor Nick Frost, of "Shaun of the Dead", "Hot Fuzz", and "The Worlds End".  If you aren't familiar with his work let me fill you in.  
     Nick Frost is a large man, okay, he's fat, and he would be the first to admit such.  A lovable, overweight, every man who you can't help but root for.  In "Cuban Fury" he plays Bruce Garrett,  living a solitary existence as an engineer, and longing for love in his life.  But Bruce has a secret.  As a young teenager he was a champion salsa dancer with his sister, Sam, and qualifying for the championship.     On his way to Nationals, he is jumped by a gang of bullies and pummeled into the ground.  Needless to say he never makes it to Nationals, gives up on dancing, and basically gives up on life.  All this plays out during the opening credits so when the film actually begins we jump forward twenty five years.  
    Now we see a fat, forty year old Bruce riding his little wheel bike to work.  When he gets there he finds out that there is a new boss and, OMG, he's a she!  Julia, as played by Rashida Jones, is the love interest between tubby Bruce and the office slime ball Drew (Chris O' Dowd).     I had trouble picturing her as an upper management type.  But her sweet cuteness would motivate any man to learn salsa dancing.  So Bruce, and the office Lothario, Drew (Chris O'Dowd) vie for her attention.  The cast is truly wonderful and the film is a hoot.  When Bruce and Drew have a dance off for the right to date Julia,  it's comedic gold. The supporting characters are like little treasures.  Kayvan Novak steals the movie as Bejan who becomes Bruce's unlikely gay/best friend.  Silly situations to follow.
"Cuban Fury" is a good date movie.
I give this feel good film a grade of B+ 

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