Friday, March 21, 2014

Feet of Fire!

     The title of the film,"Cuban Fury", did little to clue me into what the film is about.  Then I watched the preview and I immediately recognized comedic actor Nick Frost, of "Shaun of the Dead", "Hot Fuzz", and "The Worlds End".  If you aren't familiar with his work let me fill you in.  
     Nick Frost is a large man, okay, he's fat, and he would be the first to admit such.  A lovable, overweight, every man who you can't help but root for.  In "Cuban Fury" he plays Bruce Garrett,  living a solitary existence as an engineer, and longing for love in his life.  But Bruce has a secret.  As a young teenager he was a champion salsa dancer with his sister, Sam, and qualifying for the championship.     On his way to Nationals, he is jumped by a gang of bullies and pummeled into the ground.  Needless to say he never makes it to Nationals, gives up on dancing, and basically gives up on life.  All this plays out during the opening credits so when the film actually begins we jump forward twenty five years.  
    Now we see a fat, forty year old Bruce riding his little wheel bike to work.  When he gets there he finds out that there is a new boss and, OMG, he's a she!  Julia, as played by Rashida Jones, is the love interest between tubby Bruce and the office slime ball Drew (Chris O' Dowd).     I had trouble picturing her as an upper management type.  But her sweet cuteness would motivate any man to learn salsa dancing.  So Bruce, and the office Lothario, Drew (Chris O'Dowd) vie for her attention.  The cast is truly wonderful and the film is a hoot.  When Bruce and Drew have a dance off for the right to date Julia,  it's comedic gold. The supporting characters are like little treasures.  Kayvan Novak steals the movie as Bejan who becomes Bruce's unlikely gay/best friend.  Silly situations to follow.
"Cuban Fury" is a good date movie.
I give this feel good film a grade of B+ 

Thursday, March 20, 2014

Screwball Pharmacist

     Opened on March 14th, "Better Living Through Chemistry", is a quirky, offbeat, dark comedy unlike any film you have ever seen.  Maybe I should say that it's like about twenty other movies you've seen.  Starring Sam Rockwell, Olivia Wilde, and Michelle Monaghan, the movie starts with an entire town in miniature and the credit titles embedded into the scenery.  A very creative way to present credits and one of the high points of the flick.  
     The plot concerns one Doug Varney, played wonderfully by Sam Rockwell.  Varney is a defeated, shell of a man, because nothing in his life seems to be in his control.  His wife Kara Varney (Monaghan) is an athletic trainer who "motivates" her students with drill instructor zeal.  Of course she has her husband completely dominated.  So we see Varney sleepwalk his way through life.  I was saddened to see how hopeless this character is.  Very well acted by Rockwell.                                          Enter chanteuse Elizabeth Roberts, played by Olivia Wilde, as a pill popping, boozing, blonde bombshell trapped in a loveless marriage.  A chance meeting between the boozy trophy wife and the straight laced pharmacist opens Doug up to all sorts of fun.  Can you predict what happens next? They have a torrid affair, drink alcohol like a couple of college kids and, at Elizabeth's suggestion, "enhance" their lives with pharmaceuticals from Dougs drug store.  Of course someone comes up with the idea to kill Elizabeth's abusive husband an viola'!  Match made in Hollywood heaven!  Laughable, to be sure, but in between the chuckles a certain guilt came over me.  Should I be laughing at people behaving in what seems like reprehensible ways?  Chemistry is played so over the top it is farcical in nature.  As such it works, but just barely.  I liked this film and I love Sam Rockwell.  It just could have been a whole lot better.  This film is in theaters right now but also can be watched at home by renting it through Comcast, I-tunes, or Amazon.  It is an enjoyable movie but it tries so hard to be funny and in the end it just misses the mark. I suggest renting and making popcorn.
I give this film a Grade of: C+   

Saturday, March 1, 2014

86th Annual Academy Awards

     It is hard to believe that a year has passed since the Oscars and that means time for my predictions.  Whereas last year many front runners were somewhat obvious, this year is just too close to call.  
     Knowing that sometimes my reviews get a little wordy, I will try to keep this as brief as possible, listing my predictions for each category and keeping my comments to one or two sentences. I hope you enjoy this blog post and make your own list of predictions. See if you can beat me.  To give my predictions more credibility I want you to know I have viewed every film in with the exception of "Captain Phillips, Philomena, and August: Osage County. I apologize for not reviewing every film, I will do better this coming year.     
     Best Picture: It's a three way tie between "American Hustle, Gravity, and 12 Years a Slave".  Science Fiction rarely wins so "Gravity" is out.  It could go either way but I believe "American Hustle" will win.
     Best Actor: Personally I loved Bruce Dern in "Nebraska".  Once again everyone in this category is awesome.  I predict that Matthew McConaughey will win for "Dallas Buyers Club".  Chiwetel Ejiofor, could win as this can go either way. I am sticking with Matt. 
     Best Actress:  Cate Blanchett is the odds on favorite for her portrayal in "Blue Jasmine"  She has swept every major award this season and I would be shocked if she doesn't take home Oscar.  (Blue Jasmine is highly recommended. Grade/A)
     Best Supporting Actor:  Jared Leto is a shoo in for "Dallas Buyers Club".  His characterization is an amazing transformation.  He has also swept all the major awards this season. (Buyers Club grade A)
     Best Supporting Acctress:  This comes down to two, Jennifer Lawrence from "American Hustle" or Lupita Nyong'o of "12 Years a Slave".  This is Lupita's first nomination so I have to go with Jennifer who won the Golden Globe this year and best actress last year.  I think the academy is smitten with her.  Jennifer!
     Best Animated Feature:  My pick is "Frozen" which I just loved.  I predict this will be a Broadway musical within five years. (Grade A)
     Director:  It is basically a three way tie with Alfonso Cuaro'n for "Gravity, Steve McQueen for "12 Years a Slave", and David Russell for "American Hustle" in a dead heat.  I guess Russell for Hustle!
     Best Original Song: "Let It Go" from "Frozen"  This is an astounding song and I still remember thinking how much it sounds like full on Broadway production.  Then I researched further and discovered it is sung by Idina Menzel who starred on Broadway in both Rent and Wicked.  She will perform on the telecast and she will bring down the house, no doubt.
Quickie predictions.
     Original Screenplay: Spike Jonez for "Her".  (Pulling for Seattle native Bob Nelson)
     Adapted Screenplay: John Ridley for "12 Years a Slave".
     Documentary Feature:  "The Act of Killing".  Despite the title it is well worth watching.  Currently on Netflix, in Indonesian with English subtitles.  Grade/A
     "Gravity" will win:Best Sound and Film editing, Cinematography,  and Visual Effects.  
     "The Great Gatsby" will win Best Costumes and Production Design (sets)
     "Inside Llewyn Davis" will win for sound mixing. 

That's my story and I'm sticking with it!