Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Thought provoking and unique: " Her"

     "Her" is the latest offering from director Spike Jonze, whose previous films include "Adaptation", and "Being John Malcovich".  The movie is extremely hard to peg down or describe.  It really doesn't fit comfortably into any one film genre.  I have seen it described as a sci-fi /romantic comedy/drama and it succeeds on all levels.  As such, I am finding this to be one of the most difficult reviews I've ever written.       
      Joaquin Phoenix plays Theodore Twombly, a man who is going through a rough patch.  
His impending divorce from his childhood sweetheart isn't something he is ready to accept.  Theodore exists in a time and place that is not too far off in the future making "Her" very compelling.  It doesn't take a futurist to see that many of these technologies, while not available currently, are just over the horizon.  
     One new technology is a personal Operating System (OS) with Artificial Intelligence.  The user loads the system into their computer to get started.  Once the OS is uploaded the user chooses their settings and viola!  you have a virtual friend.  The user wears an earpiece so the computer can speak directly to the user with a human voice.  The user has a mobile camera unit that allows the OS to "see" the surroundings.  Of course each OS has it's own gender based speaking voice and can fully interact with the user.  Having conversations, telling jokes, composing music are just some of the functions an OS can perform.  At first the concept seems a little far fetched and really not that believable.  But as the story unfolds, I really began to buy into the possibility that this could be reality someday soon.  The more a person interacts with their OS the more it learns and evolves.  Just like a human mind and psyche.  
     Theodore is asked if he wants a male or female OS.  He chooses a woman and upon initial boot up he hears her voice for the first time.(Scarlett Johansson) Is it really a her or is this just a very advanced computer program?  He asks the OS her name and she answers "Samantha".  Thus begins a relationship between Theodore and Samantha.  Friends at first and later something much more.  
     One statement I think the film is trying to make, or show, is how technology effects human interaction and relations.  That social media, and texts, and cell phones widen the gap between people and prevent them from face to face interaction.  I found myself asking myself deep questions.  What is an emotion?  Are they biologically connected to the function of the mind and brain or something more? Could a person really feel some sort of fulfillment interacting with an OS?  Are people really ready to let technology fill in the gaps between solitude and lonliness?      
   "Her" is a movie that had me literally laughing out loud, clapping during different plot twists, all while providing me with a sense of wonderment.  I would call that hitting the cinematic trifecta.  "Her" is not like anything I have ever seen. If you like unique, off beat, funny, thought provoking movies I highly recommend this film.  
"Her" would probably be good for a date.
I give this movie a grade of: A 


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