Friday, May 17, 2013

For The Star Trek Generation

     The original television series, Star Trek, aired only 3 years before being cancelled in 1969 due to poor ratings.  Yet the series developed such a cult following in reruns that Paramount studios decided to reboot the series in film beginning with the 1979 release of "Star Trek: The Movie".  It was a full ten years since original series left the air but hard core "Trekkies" , including me,  could hardly wait.  Since then there hasn't been a time you couldn't see Star Trek in film or on television in one of it's many incarnations.  Opening today in wide release, "Star Trek: Into Darkness" is the twelfth installment in this, the longest running film franchise of all time. Fans of Star Trek are legion and know the mythology established as though it were a religion.  As such, story lines, plots, histories between films should fit together seamlessly or the fans will spot discrepancies almost immediately. 
     Into Darkness is the follow up to the 2009 release simply titled Star Trek, which introduced a completely new cast who play all the principals of the original series in an earlier time frame.  A bit of a prequel if you will.  This approach is a bit risky because the true fan knows these characters as though they are real people.  No small testament to the acting of the original cast in the television series and later in a half dozen films.  Even though Star Trek is technically science fiction, the story lines are by and large character driven.  I think that is what makes this franchise so timeless.  Each character has their own personality traits and over time we come to know each one.  Star Trek introduces us to a young James T. Kirk, Mr. Spock, Bones and all the rest.  What really makes it special is that we get to see how each character develops as a young cadet into the fully functioning crew member we all remember from the original series.  The cast was perfectly picked, especially Mr. Spock.  The intonation of his voice, the look on his face, it all fits together perfectly.  Into Darkness picks up where Star Trek left off.
     Now for the movie itself.  Into Darkness is a rip roaring thrill fest.  From the opening moments to the final scenes there is hardly a chance to catch your breath.  Sometimes there is so much going on at once that it is easy to forget exactly what is going on.  Don't worry, if you wait a few minutes all will be made clear once again.  There are revelations, and references to previous films and television series'.  Heck there is even a tribble!  (The furry little creature comically featured in one of the most popular episodes from the original series: The Trouble With Tribbles)  All of which adds up to a great time for the true Star Trek buff and for those who may not know anything about Star Trek at all.  (is that even possible?)  This is truly a stand alone film so it isn't necessary to be a die hard fan.  You will enjoy the film regardless.  The villain in this movie is much like a terrorist in the world today.  Any great science fiction film requires a great villain.  Into Darkness does not disappoint and when the true nature of the identity of the villain is revealed: it's an "oh I get it now" moment.  It is just so refreshing when all the pieces fall together and we as audience members are treated like we have a brain.  I could go on and on about this film but I just don't want to give too much of the plot away.  I will say this: if you are a Star Trek fanatic you will LOVE this movie.  If you are a science fiction/action movie fan you will LOVE this movie.  If you want to have fun you will LOVE this movie.  If you aren't any of these things you will like this movie.  What does Into Darkness have in it?  It has lots of chases, space battles, phasers firing, explosions, people being sucked into outer space, references to the Star Trek mythology, romance, a tribble, and a lot of humor of course. In case you haven't figured it out yet.  I LOVED this movie. 
Star Trek: Into Darkness is a great date movie and I give it a grade of.....A

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