Saturday, October 25, 2014

Don't mess with John Wick

     I tried to attend a preview of "John Wick" on the 21st of October, three days before the official opening,  but twice as many people showed up as the theater could hold.  I was disappointed because the film has garnered much critical buzz in recent weeks.  A check I conducted found that more than 90% of film critics had given it good reviews.  So of course it had to be a great movie, right?  Wrong!  I think most critics see so many bad films that when they see one that is mediocre it seems much better than it really is.  
     Such is a case in point for "John Wick" the movie as well as the character.  Mr. Wick is a retired hit man who once worked for the Russian mafia, basically as a one man wrecking crew: verging on superhero.  A plethora of action film cliche's are included. So of course he lives in an opulent home, and is haunted by demons from his past, both psychological and real.  We see John going through the motions of life while, through a series of flashbacks, the reason for this shattered person is revealed.  I do have to say that in one particular scene Keanu breaks down emotionally and I found it extremely realistic and heartbreaking to watch.  Great acting chops.
     The action in the film is unrelenting and eventually reaches a point of being nearly ridiculous. The body count reminds me of Uma Thurman defeating the Crazy 88 in "Kill Bill vol 1".  In that movie the violence was cartoonish in nature.  "John Wick"; not so much.  It takes itself just a little too seriously.  For example; you think Rambo is tough? John Wick is tougher.  Clint Eastwood is a great shot?  John Wick is better.  Jackie Chan an awesome fighter?  John Wick is awesomer!  Getting the picture yet?  "John Wick" takes the genre and kicks it up a notch or three.  (Pun intended) If you are looking for a mindless shoot'em up/beat 'em up movie then this is for you.  Sometimes that is good enough.  I like a little more meat on the movie bone, a shade more believability in the story arc, and a lot less cliche'. This is a good date movie for twenty somethings, hardcore action picture fans, or Keanu Reeve's fans.  Otherwise....wait for the DVD.
I give "John Wick"  a grade of B-.