Friday, July 19, 2013

Deja vu all over again.

     Have you ever seen an ad for a movie that made you really excited to see the film because it looked too good to miss?  Then when you actually go to the movie it turns out the the film doesn't quite live up to the hype?  Sure you have, it's happened to all of us.  It's lucky that you have me to steer you in the right direction when it comes to cinema from Hollywood blockbusters, indie films, documentaries, or anything in between.  Such is the sequel to the 2010 sleeper hit "Red", creatively titled "Red 2"!  I never did see the original but I was suckered into seeing this film with a slick advertising campaign promising action film staples of car chases, gun play, more chases, beautiful women, foot chases, explosions and the like.   "Red 2" reunites Bruce Willis, John Malkkovich, Mary-Louise Parker, and Helen Mirren from the original "Red".  Then beefs up the cast with Anthony Hopkins, Catherine Zeta-Jones, and a bad ass kung fu assassin, Asian dude, who could have been lifted right out of a John Woo movie.  Only this isn't a John Woo movie.  
     Now don't get me wrong, "Red 2" is a good film, and loads of fun to be sure.  But given the all star cast I expected this movie to be so much more.  Like a non-stop laugh fest from the moment the opening credits fade.  Sorry to report this isn't the case.   I may be nitpicking but with this cast, "Red 2" could have been something of a cult movie.  Instead we are given a rewarmed film that seems all too familiar.  This is because you won't see anything here you haven't already seen before in other films.  As a result, nothing very surprising happens, and the plot line becomes very predictable.  I feel the middle aged Mary-Louise Parker is completely miscast.  Ms. Parker is now 47.  If you double that, it is clear she is in the middle of life, and AARP accepts members who are 50.  I've got nothing against older women at all.  Love em.   What I do have a problem with, is having to watch her pretend to be a woman/child who wears school girl skirts, and delivers all her lines as though she were still playing Nancy Botwin on "Weeds".  Please!!!  Stop already!  There are lots of chuckles and some very funny bits.  As an action movie "Red 2" totally works.  The shame is how, given all its parts, the movie never comes close to it's potential.  If you want to see this film I say go.  Just go with no expectations, and suspend any beliefs.  Better yet, just don't think at all.  
"Red 2"  is a good date movie.  
I give it a grade of a solid B.