Sunday, June 16, 2013

Man of Steel is a Supermovie !!

     Action movies based on comic book characters have been around a long time.  But ever since the original Superman opened in 1978 to great financial success, what was once a novel idea, has become an entire genre.  Today some of the most entertaining and thrilling movies every year are based on comic book superheros.  I could write a column on why I think these types of films consistently earn higher box office than other films but I digress.  I need to sing the praises of "Man of Steel".  Opening in wide release this weekend around the country. 
     Comic book superheros, or even characters as dull as "Archie", possess a special relationship with their legions of fans.  Having a built in audience is nice but along with it comes great expectations from said fans.  This brings us to "Man of Steel", the latest installment in the Superman franchise.  This movie is what is called a reboot of the entire storyline.  "Superman Returns" was released in 2006 and earned only 400 million in worldwide box office.  Warner Bros. expected the film to earn 500 million so in their eyes the movie was somewhat of a flop.  What to do if your franchise has an entry that flops?  In football parlance you would punt.  Hollywood just reboots the entire series by starting over from square one.  For long time fans this can be very risky.  We all know the back story of Superman.  Will the fans really want to retrace the story line from the get go?  There are many approaches that can be taken and the "Man of Steel" does it's job perfectly.
     The new approach is to focus a lot more attention on the doomed world of Krypton in ways never shown before.  The film makes clear the issues that led to the painful decision to send baby Kal-El to planet earth.  Particular attention is paid to the trials and tribulations he faces as he adapts and find his place in this alien world.  What we see is a young Clark Kent who is a very tortured soul.  The relationship between him and his father, played beautifully by Kevin Costner, is in the end heart wrenching.  His relationship with his mother, played wonderfully by Diane Lane, elevates her character far beyond anything achieved in previous films.  It shows where much of Superman's humanity comes from.  Dad provided his moral and philosophical compass while Mom nurtured his kind heart.  Sort of the way real life should be, right?  I loved the way they updated and expanded the story line.  More amazing is they remained true to the Superman mythology that has been previously established.  No small feat indeed.  The result is astounding. The story has been elevated to a Shakespearean level.  That may seem like a over the top statement but I kid you not.  I found myself teary eyed often.  They have kicked this franchise up more than a notch.  Probably two or three.
     I would be remiss in not mentioning the special effects.  I feel a little sheepish in saying that the effects in this movie are simply the best I have ever seen.  Mind blowing eye candy is about the only way I can describe them.  Sometimes CGI can look a little grainy of faked.  Everything here is seamless.  The technological level of these special effects has given the film a very slick and polished but organic look.  The more I think about "Man of Steel" the more I love about it.  I viewed this film in 3D and I would recommend that process.  I think the effects would be more, well, effective when seen that way.  Dare I say, this is the best superhero movie of all time?  That is a bold statement I know, but this film operates on so many different levels,  it's greatness can't be denied.  I have no problems with a reboot.  Sometimes that is just what the doctor ordered.   "Man of Steel" is a great movie, take a date, go by yourself, heck see it twice.
I give "Man of Steel" a grade of A+